
Browsing articles 1-12 of 106

Browsing articles 1-12 of 106

40 years of experience goes into every Brinsea product

Now whilst I’m not a big fan of corporate advertising or product placement I have to give credit where credit is due. Yesterday Tom broke the element in my Hatchmaker with five day old chicks in it....
Wes Gillard
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I like to breed the best and to get the best results we use the best equipment. I have used Brinsea for the last 10 years and started with the Octagon 10 then had octagon 20 then 40 we now have 2 x 380's!...
Bev's Rare Breed Poultry
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I spoke to someone about 3 weeks ago about my incubator not working properly, and discovered I'd put my fan on the wrong way around after cleaning! I'd just like to say thank you so much for your help...
Lynne Stotesbury
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