Taking care of incubating eggs and newly hatched chicks can be a daunting prospect for the inexperienced but Brinsea’s 40 years of experience in egg incubation make the process as straightforward as possible.
All our products have clear and simple controls and illustrated step-by-step instructions along with bird welfare guidelines. For more in-depth detail on the processes of incubation our Incubation Handbook is free to download.
Our smallest incubators like the Mini II Advance and Maxi II Advance are ideal for beginners with their ultra-safe low voltage supply and features like automatic turning and countdown to hatch day. The OvaView and OvaScope candling system allow the fascinating development of the embryo to be observed inside the shell without harming the unhatched chick.
Check out our Incubation Starter Packs which are ideal for those new to hatching.
Our Starter Pack 1 (Product code: N700) includes:
- Mini II Eco incubator, 10 egg, manual turn, great visibility of the hatching eggs
- OvaView Candling Lamp is ideal for identifying infertile eggs, high output, high efficiency LED illumination
- EcoGlow Safety 600 Chick Brooder is ideal for keeping newly hatched poultry, game and waterfowl warm, designed to meet the stringent IPX7 electrical safety standard.
- 1.5 kg feeder
- 1 litre drinker
- Brinsea disinfectant
- Full instructions
Starter Pack 1 is based around the Mini II Eco incubator.
Our Starter Pack 2 (Product code: N710) is a more sophisticated version of Pack 1 , it includes:
- Mini II Advance incubator, 7 egg, automatic turning, great visibility of the hatching eggs
- OvaView Candling Lamp is ideal for identifying infertile eggs, high output, high efficiency LED illumination
- Award-winning OvaScope, aid to egg candling, improves visibility of the developing egg
- EcoGlow Safety 600 Chick Brooder is ideal for keeping newly hatched poultry, game and waterfowl warm, designed to meet the stringent IPX7 electrical safety standard.
- 1.5 kg feeder
- 1 litre drinker
- Brinsea disinfectant
- Full instructions
Starter Pack 2 is ideal for first time hatchers.
Our Maxi 24 Advance Starter Pack (Product code: N731) is great for someone wanting to hatch more eggs, it includes:
- Maxi 24 Advance incubator, 14 egg, automatic turning, great visibility of the hatching eggs
- OvaView Candling Lamp is ideal for identifying infertile eggs, high output, high efficiency LED illumination
- Award-winning OvaScope, aid to egg candling, improves visibility of the developing egg
- EcoGlow Safety 600 Chick Brooder is ideal for keeping newly hatched poultry, game and waterfowl warm, designed to meet the stringent IPX7 electrical safety standard.
- 1.5 kg feeder
- 1 litre drinker
- Brinsea disinfectant
- Full instructions
The Maxi 24 Starter Pack is ideal for those wanting to hatch larger numbers of eggs.
Just add eggs!