The practice was established over 25 years ago with the principal consulting vet being Mr Chris Marshall, who had a particular interest in exotic species. Over the years Taylor and Marshall has established a reputation for the treatment of all exotics species from small mammals and pet chickens to birds of prey, all type of reptiles and some zoo collections alongside the more usual dogs and cats.

‘We are a small but strong team and strive to deliver a high standard of care to all our patients. As well as the veterinary surgeons we have qualified nurses with post graduate qualifications in exotic medicine and emergency and critical care. We are always aiming to develop our knowledge in order to deliver the best care to our patients.

The Vetario Intensive care unit is an invaluable addition to our ability to provide a high standard of care to our patients, when intensive care and support is required. It is an essential piece of equipment when critically ill or collapsed patients are presented. The intensive care unit provides warmth to our patients that are presented with hypothermia or to our patients which are unable to sustain their body temperature due to illness. Our reptile patients are ectothermic and depend on additional warmth for correct metabolism. The incubator can also be used for supplementary oxygen therapy and nebulisation of medicines when required especially useful in our critically ill patients.

The Vetario intensive care unit is easy to use and set up, temperatures can be set as required and the humidity can be regulated particularly to our exotics. The size of the unit can accommodate a range of species and it has proved easy to clean and maintain. We have found the intensive care unit to be a fantastic piece of equipment which we use on a daily basis.’


Elizabeth Hanson, Head Vet Nurse

Dip AVN/CVN, RVN, Cert ECC, Cert Exotics


Elizabeth Hanson, Head Vet Nurse with the Vetario Unit.



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Your Mini Eco incubator is amazing we got 8 out of 9 chicks in it on our first go, best incubator ever!!!!!!!!
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Thanks for your help, with the stone curlew. You couldn't have been more helpful with us in your advice with the stone curlew chick we succesfully hatched and the two pheasant chicks that quickly followed....
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