‘Here at Cherry Cottage, we are a small home-based rescue/rehabilitation centre that cares for injured and abandoned wildlife across North East Lincolnshire and the Humber area. We help and care for all hedgehogs and rely totally on donations and fundraising ideas from all walks of life but with one thing in common – caring for animals that wouldn’t survive without our intervention. Our aim is to treat all injured/sick animals that arrive at Cherry Cottage, whilst ensuring the eventual release back into their natural habitat.

We give care in every way possible, from providing a little extra feeding, to fostering hedgehogs to volunteers, to providing after-care to hedgehogs that have undergone veterinary treatment. We have a number of volunteers that offer a little bit of breathing space for us by fostering hedgehogs that are fit and healthy, however if it’s close to autumn, the chances of their survival so close to the hibernation season is minimal. Our volunteers provide that safe and warm sanctuary for them to survive the winter. They fully understand that hedgehogs are not pets and that they are providing them with a better chance of survival until they can be released in the spring. Without these volunteers, we would be overrun for space and facilities so with that I have great appreciation for them. Registration with the British Hedgehog Preservation Society means we can now be recognised by everyone and have another avenue of support when needed. So far this year, Cherry Cottage has cared for over a hundred hedgehogs and hoglets and released 87 back to the wild.


Cherry Cottage Wildlife Rescue

We purchased our first Brinsea TLC-40 incubator in March 2018 and it is invaluable to us here at Cherry Cottage Hedgehog Rescue. As a healthcare professional I see this TLC as an important asset to the rescue, without the constant heat and humidity the hoglets that we have rescued would surely have died. The air in the TLC is filtered to perfection, reducing the risk of infection and viruses. The TLC is very easy to assemble and we had it working within the hour. I feel sure without it many hedgehogs would not make such a quick and healthy recovery. We would not be without it and aim to purchase more in the near future. I have also recommended the TLC to my 2 fellow hedgehog rescue centres.’

Please contact Cherry Cottage Wildlife Rescue with any help or advice needed on 07730 748361 or follow on Facebook to keep up to date with the progress of the hogs they have overwintering.


Joanne Deighton

Cherry Cottage Wildlife Rescue


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