We were so excited to hear the news yesterday that the population of the amazing kākāpō has reached 200 today, with the latest chick (Esperance) becoming a juvenile – this is when birds are added to the official tally. There are probably more kākāpō alive now than at any time for ≥70 years.

The Kākāpō Recovery Programme first began in 1995, when the population in New Zealand had fallen to an all time low of just 51 individual birds. With extra funding and a dedicated team of people as well as a specialised advisory group the kākāpō population has slowly grown since then. Brinsea’s Maxi II EX incubators are used in the recovery programme, and we are very proud to play a small part in their recovery.


One of the Brinsea Maxi II EX incubators used in the project and a kākāpō hatchling.

















Photos by Deirdre Vercoe – Manager of the Department of Conservation’s kākāpō/takahē team, New Zealand.

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Just wanted to send you this card as I'm so pleased with how kind you've been to me with helping me hatch my eggs from this new incubator, there's not many helpful people like you out there! The update...
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Amazing product, my first hatch in the Brinsea incubator and I got 100% hatch rate! So easy to use and turn the eggs. Well worth the money.
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