Annabelle Wells, Brinsea’s Compliance Co-ordinator, recently re-homed four ex-battery hens from the British Hen Welfare Trust.

The British Hen Welfare Trust (formerly The Battery Hen Welfare Trust) is a charity that re-homes commercial laying hens, educates the public about how they can make a difference to hen welfare and encourages support for the British egg industry. Its ultimate aim is to see consumers and food manufacturers buying only UK produced free range eggs, which results in a strong British egg industry where hens have had happy lives.

Annabelle’s new hens were crated and transported from Cornwall. Roughly 1,000 hens were rescued and re-homed that day. Annabelle collected her new hens from the Farrington’s Farm Shop on 19th May 2018, and they settled in to their new home very quickly. Annabelle has been monitoring them carefully and they are all making excellent progress. Her girls are filling out and growing back missing feathers and loving their new life. They are all laying an egg daily and are very happy in their new home. Annabelle is keeping a ‘progress diary’ to show how much her new hens grow and change over the weeks, she has already noticed a huge difference in Eddie, Patsy, Saffy and Bubbles since they arrived – they are the Ab Fab Four!


Annabelle’s Ex-Battery Hens

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