​Cable Cover for the Octagon 20 & 40 Eco and Advance Incubators

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Cable Cover for the Octagon 20 & 40 Eco and Advance Incubators

Price: £11.06 £9.22 ex In stock


Cable Cover for the Octagon 20 & 40 Eco and Advance Incubators

Product code: AD221

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Thank you for your quick response and for the very clear diagram which even an old guy like me can follow. Thank you for a great product which coupled with the incubator have given two old fools a couple...
Ivor Fletcher, Co. Antrim
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Of all the companies I deal with for whatever reason, you guys/gals at Brinsea are the best. You are always there to help. Your contact information is readily visible, and you actually HELP... Many, many...
Carol M
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I purchased one of your Ovation 28 incubators at Newark show after struggling to get more than one or two very weak chicks from a Chinese incubator. I’m thrilled to say I’ve just had 24 baby quail...
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