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40 years of experience goes into every Brinsea product

I breed pure and rare poultry and have been using Brinsea Octagon 20’s for nearly 20 years. I currently have 3 Octagon Eco and 2 Octagon Advance units and find them to be very reliable machines with...
William D
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I am pleased to inform you that both incubators (OvaEasy 38o Advance EX and OvaEasy 190 Advance EX) were delivered in very good condition. We commissioned both of them and we have had what we can call...
Dr. Peter S Bahame & Robert F. Bahame, Tanzania
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This spring we released a "Chickens in Schools" podcast episode and followed that by partnering with a local preschool to incubate and hatch eggs with them. The preschool scrapbooked their experience and...
Community Chickens
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