Maxi II Eco Incubator - Product Instructions (French)

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40 years of experience goes into every Brinsea product

I got my first Brinsea (Mini Eco Adv) 10 years ago and have had great success since and it is still working well. Last year I got an additional incubator an Ovation 56. I have had fantastic results with...
Thomas G
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I've been a Brinsea user for 28 years and still going strong. We hatch 500/600 birds every year, the reliability of the Brinsea machines are fantastic, great products! My father and myself always promote...
Neal Adams
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Now whilst I’m not a big fan of corporate advertising or product placement I have to give credit where credit is due. Yesterday Tom broke the element in my Hatchmaker with five day old chicks in it....
Wes Gillard
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