Hi Brinsea, I would just like to say how impressed I am with your company’s web site and information. I’m a hobby farmer that is looking to expand into a full time situation I had been seaching for a large 300 egg plus incubator with a large capacity and not a Chinese junk model. Your Incubation Handbook which you allow free download of absolutely convinced me your company not only appears to produce a great product but I learned more about possible problems in incubation out of that one booklet than researching heaps of other sites. Well done Brinsea !! You have my business and I will be with your permission featuring my journey to breeding high end $ poultry / birds on my Flickr site and recomending others to experience what I found.. Thanks and regards

Peter Bayley

40 years of experience goes into every Brinsea product

Hello. I just wanted to let you know how pleased I have been with the new Brinsea products I have recently purchased and used in my children's preschool. We successfully raised all seven of our Bantam...
Jacqui Seymour
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My wife purchased a second-hand Brinsea intensive care unit, a rather old model, that was not working. Brinsea's customer service really went above and beyond to help us. I really appreciate your assistance,...
Danny Martin, Australia
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I breed pure and rare poultry and have been using Brinsea Octagon 20’s for nearly 20 years. I currently have 3 Octagon Eco and 2 Octagon Advance units and find them to be very reliable machines with...
William D
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