Mini II Eco Incubator - Product Instructions

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40 years of experience goes into every Brinsea product

Thank you for helping me to fit my tubing, you saved me the long drive, I got home and it's bang on 65% - very well done - thanks a million. Thanks to you it's been a great day - any chance you could forward...
Mal Bone,  Perth, Australia
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Brinsea incubators are the best, and their customer service is exceptional. I would recommend them to anyone. It's one thing to have an excellent product but makes all the difference to have the support...
Emily Shute
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Brinsea all the way. Not just because it's cracking equipment that's safe. But it's a uk business too. And you've gotta spend money in the uk if you can. Well done to you guys for being market...

Damien Russell
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