Thank you for helping me to fit my tubing, you saved me the long drive, I got home and it’s bang on 65% – very well done – thanks a million. Thanks to you it’s been a great day – any chance you could forward the last two emails to your boss – you were just great right from the start to the lengthy end and I’d like to pass it on to your boss – unless of course you are the boss – I can’t thank you enough. You’re what we call in Australia ‘a keeper’…

Mal Bone,  Perth, Australia

40 years of experience goes into every Brinsea product

I use Brinsea because they are a people company and they always there to help and answer your questions. My first lot of silver sebrites hatched last night out of my mini advanced. Would not use any other...
Paul Price
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I breed pure and rare poultry and have been using Brinsea Octagon 20’s for nearly 20 years. I currently have 3 Octagon Eco and 2 Octagon Advance units and find them to be very reliable machines with...
William D
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